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Ahmet Ruhi Mermut 教授

作者:         发布日期:2018-05-04     




  Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ruhi Mermut

  University of Saskatchewan Department of Soil Science, Saskatoon, SASK., S7N 5A8, Canada

  E-mail: mermut@ usask.ca, ar.mermut@gmail.com, Phone: 1-306-955-3438; Fax 1-306 966-6881

  Soil Scientist,

  Harran University, Department of Soil Science Harran University, Sanliurfa, Turkey +90 533 777 6336

  Dr. Ahmet Ruhi Mermut, Honorary Member International Union of Soil Science, FCSS, FASA, FSSSA, and International Soil Science Award of the SSSA, was born in Turkey in 1943. He received the Turkish TUBITAK science award for the year of 2005. He earned a B.Sc. in Soil Science and a Ph.D. from the University of Ankara, Turkey in 1968, with the help of the State Agricultural University at Wageningen the Netherlands. He was a research scientist at the same University from 1969-1971. Dr. Mermut is with the Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan since 1982. He was also Prof. of Soil Science at Harran University, Turkey 2004-2006. He has taught many courses at undergraduate level and also graduate courses. He taught courses at the University of Toronto, in Brazil, and at several different universities in the Middle East.  He has trained seventeen graduate students, fourteen of them at Ph.D. level.

  Dr. Mermut has served as the associate editor and the editor of the Canadian Journal of Soil Science. During his tenure as editor, he was able to increase impact factor. He has also served as associate editor of Clays and Clay minerals and has been a guest editor for three Geoderma Special issues. He was the Chair of Commission 5 of the International Society of Soil Science, between 1998 and 2002, and he is the Chair of the Division I of the IUSS (2002-2010).

  Dr. Mermut has made several strong early contribution in the areas of soil mineralogy, soil genesis, and the micromorphology of soils.  He is very active in Canada and USA, and has become recognized as one of the leading second generation pedologists in North America. His work on Vertisols contributed substantially to getting the new order recognized in Canada.  Because of his dedication and enthusiasm, Dr. Mermut has maintained a strong graduate program in pedology at a crisis time in the career of most pedologists. Dr. Mermut is a scholar and a tireless supporter of Soil Science in nationally and internationally.

  Dr. A. R. Mermut has made outstanding contributions to Soil Science over a distinguished career in teaching, research, international education, editing and writing of scientific papers and leadership in various committees of the Canadian Society of Soil Science, the Soil Science Society of America, and International Society of Soil Science, and in the organization of many International Conferences.

  Professional Publications

  books 6

  books or other publications edited 6

  chapters of books written 13

  technical papers, refereed 150

  technical papers, non-refereed 23

  invited lectures, seminars, or symposia presentations 8

  other related oral, written, visual presentations, or products over 200



  Ozturk, M., Hakeem, K. R., Efe , R.,  Mermut, A.R., Faridah Hanum, I. 2015. “ High Altitude Ecosystems and Climate Change”. Springer International Publishing AG, Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland.

  Hakim, H., Sabir, M., Ozturk, M., Mermut, A. R. 2015. Soil Remediation and Plants, Prospects and Challenges, p.752, Academic Press.

  Ozturk, M., Mermut, A. R. and Celik, A. 2011: Urbanisation, Land Use, Land Degradation and Environment.

  Faz Cano, A., Mermut, A.R., Arocena, J.M., Ortiz Silla, R.  2009. Land Degradation and Rehabilitation - Dryland ecosystems. Advances in Geoecology 40, A Cooperating Book Series by the International Union of Soil Science (IUSS), Catena

  kapur, s., A. R. Mermut, G. Stoops. 2008. New Trends in Soil MicromorphologySpringer, 276 p.

  A. Faz Cano, R. Ortiz, and A. R. Mermut. 2005. Sustainable Use of Soils in Arid Regions Catena Special Issue ISBN 3-923381-49-2.

  C. A Fox, E. Top, A. R. Mermut, and R. Simard. 2003. Soil Biodiversity in Canadian Agroecosystems. Special Issue, Canadian Journal of Soil Science. Volume 83, No.3, pp. 227-336.

  A. Faz Cano, R. Ortiz, and A. R. Mermut. 2002. Soils of Arid Regions and their Use and Management. University of Cartagena, Murcia, Spain. Volume I and II.

  Mermut, A. R. 2000. Applied Clay Science. Special Issue January 2000 vol.16. Elsevier Publication, The Netherlands.

  H. Nabhan, A. M. Mashali, A. R. Mermut. 1999. Integrated Soil Management for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security in Southern and Eastern Africa. AGL/MISC/23/99 FAO, Rome.

  H. Kodama, A. R. Mermut, K. Torrence. 1999. Clays for our Future. Proceedings of the 11th International Clay ConferenceOttawa June 15-21, 1997, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. Published by the Organizing Committee. Ottawa.

  H. Nabhan, M.A. Mashali A.R. Mermut, 1999. Integrated Soil Management for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security in Southern and East Africa. Food and Agriculture Organisation, Rome.

  A.R. Mermut, D.H. Yaalon and S. Kapur, 1997. Red Mediterranean Soils. Catena Special Issue, Vol. 28, 155-328. Amsterdam:  Elsevier.

  J.A. Brierly, A.R. Mermut and H.B. Stonehouse, 1996. A New Order in the Canadian System of Soil Classification: Vertisolic Soils. Ottawa: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada CLBRR Contrb. no. 96-11. 76 pp.

  N. Ahmad and A.R. Mermut, 1996. Vertisols and Technologies for their Management. New York: Elsevier Publ. Co. 526 pp.

  M.L. Thompson, A.R. Mermut, W.D. Nettleton, L.D. Norton and S. Pawluk, 1994. Reference Slide Collection for Soil Micromorphology. Madison, WI: Soil Science Society of America, 135 pp.

  A.R. Mermut (ed.), 1994. Layer Charge Characteristics of 2:1 Silicate Clay Minerals, CMS Workshop Lectures, Volume 6. Boulder, CO: The Clay Minerals Society, 134 pp.

  A.R. Mermut and L.D. Norton (eds.), 1992. Digitization, Processing and Quantitative Interpretation of Image Analysis in Soil Science and Related Areas. Geoderma Special Issue, Vol. 53 (no. 3/4), 179-418.

  R. Miedema and A.R. Mermut, 1990. Soil Micromorphology, An Annotated Bibliography 1968-1986, ISBN 035198 681. London: C.A.B. Int., 250 pp.

  A.R. Mermut (ed.), 1987. Micromorphology and Submicroscopical Studies on North American Soils. Special Issue, Geoderma, 40 (1/2), 1-236

  A.R. Mermut, O. Tanju, F. Hatipoglu, S. Baskaya and M. Aktas, 1981. Annotated Bibliography on Turkish Soil Science. Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council, Ankara, 1027 pp.

  Chapters in books

  Yanardağ, I. H. Büyükkılıç Yanardağ, A., Cano, Angel Faz,  Mermut, A. R. 2015. Effect of Pig Slurry Application on Soil Organic Carbon. Soil Remediation and Plants, Edited by Khalid Rehman HakeemMuhammad SabirMünir ÖztürkAhmet Ruhi Mermut, 12/2015: pages 689-706.

  Kovda, I., Mermut, A. R. 2010. Vertic features. In G. Stoops, Marcelino, V., Mees, F. Eds.Interpretation of Micromorphological Features of Soils and Regolith. Elsevier, Amsterdam. 109-127.

  Mermut, A. R. 2009. Historical development in soil micromorphology. J. Mt.Science. 6: 107-112.

  A. R. Mermut.2004. Micromorphology, Determination of Physical Quality of Soils. Encyclopedia of Soil Science. R. Lal (editor), Published on 04/Feb/2004

  A. R. Mermut. H. Khademi. 2004. Gypsic soils Encyclopedia of Soil Science. R. Lal (editor), Published on: 04/Feb/2004.

  A. R. Mermut, A. Landi.2004. Carbonate precipitation and dissolution. Encyclopedia of Soil Science. R. Lal (editor), Published: 04/Feb/2004.

  A. R. Mermut.2003. Micromorphology, Determination of Physical Quality of Soils. Encyclopedia of Soil  Science. R. Lal (editor), in publication.

  A. R. Mermut. H. Khademi. 2003. Gypsic soils Encyclopedia of Soil Science. R. Lal (editor), in publication.

  A. R. Mermut, A. Landi.2003. Carbonate precipitation and dissolution. Encyclopedia of Soil Science. R. Lal (editor), in publication.

  A.R. Mermut, R. Amundson, and T. E. Cerling 2000. The Use of Isotopes in Studying Carbonate Dynamics in Soils. p.65-85. In R. Lal, J. M. Kimble, H. Eswaran, B.A. Stewart. Global Climate Change and Pedogenic Carbonates (eds.), Adv. in Soil Science, CRC Lewis Publ.

  A.R. Mermut, H. Kodama. 1999. Clay Mineralogy of Canadian soils. H. Kodama, A. R. Mermut, and J. K. Torrence (eds.) Proceedings of the 11th International Conference, June 15-21, 1997, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.

  A.R. Mermut,G.S. Dasog and G.N. Dowuona, 1996. Soil Morphology of Vertisols. In N. Ahmad and A.R. Mermut (eds.), Vertisols and Technologies for their Management, 89-114.  Amsterdam: Elsevier.

  A.R. Mermut, E. Padmanabhan, H. Eswaran and G.S.Dasog, 1996. Pedogenesis of Vertisols. In N. Ahmad and A.R. Mermut (eds.), Vertisols and Technologies for their Management, 43-61. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

  A.R. Mermut, D.D. Patterson and P.A. McDaniel, 1996. Cold Vertisols and their Management. In N Ahmad and A.R. Mermut (eds.), Vertisols and Technologies for their Management, 481-499. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

  A.R. Mermut, 1994. Problems Associated with Layer Charge Characterization. In A.R. Mermut (ed.), Layer Charge Characteristics of 2:1 Silicate Clay Minerals, CMS Workshop Series, 105-122. Boulder, CO: The Clay Minerals Society.

  Tee Boon Goh, R.J. St. Arnaud and A.R. Mermut, 1993. Carbonates. In Martin R. Carter (ed.), Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis, 177-185. A special publication of the Canadian  Society of Soil Science. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers.

  C.A. Fox, R.K. Guertin, E. Dickinson, S. Sweeney, R. Protz and A.R. Mermut, 1993. Micromorphological Methodlogy for Inorganic Soils. In Martin R. Carter (ed.), Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis, 683-709. A special publication of the Canadian Society of Soil Science. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers.

  R.J. St. Arnaud, A.R. Mermut and Tee Boon Goh, 1993. Identification and Measurement of Carbonate Minerals. In Martin R. Carter (ed.), Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis, 737-743. A special publication of the Canadian Society of Soil Science. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers.

  A.R. Mermut, J.L. Sehgal and J.Stoops, 1988. Micromorphology of Swell-Shrink Soils. Classification, Management and Use Potential of Swell-Shrink Soil Transections International Workshop, 127-144. New Delhi, India: Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.

  Scientific JOURNALS:

  Yanardağ, I. H., Zornoza, R. Cano, A. Faz, Büyükkılıç Yanardağ, A.,  A. R. Mermut. 2014.  Evaluation of carbon and nitrogen dynamics in different soil types amended with pig slurry, pig manure and its biochar by chemical and thermogravimetric analysis. Biology and Fertility of Soils 02/2014; 51(2):183-196.  

  Padmanabhan, E. Eswaran, H., Mermut, A. R. 2012. Classifying soils at the ultimate stage of weathering in the tropics. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. Vol 175: 86-93.

  Brierley, J.A., Stonehouse, H.B., and Mermut, A.R. (2011). "Vertisolic soils of Canada: Genesis, distribution, and classification.", Canadian J. Soil Science , 91 (5), pp. 903-916.

  Richter, DDB; Bacon, AR; Megan, LM; Richardson, CJ; Andrews, SS; West, L; Wills, S; Billings, S; Cambardella, CA; Cavallaro, N; DeMeester, JE; Franzluebbers, AJ; Grandy, AS; Grunwald, S; Gruver, J; Hartshorn, AS; Janzen, H; Kramer, MG; Ladha, JK; Lajtha, K; Liles, GC; Markewitz, D; Megonigal, PJ; Mermut, AR; Rasmussen, C; Robinson, DA; Smith, P; Stiles, CA; Tate, RL; Thompson, A; Tugel, AJ; Es, HV; Yaalon, D; Zobeck, TM, 2011. Human-soil relations are changing rapidly: Proposals from SSSA's cross-divisional soil change working group , SSSAJ. SSSA, vol 75 no. 6 (2011), pp. 2079-2084

  C. S. M. Masutti and A. R. Mermut. 2007. Sorption of fipronil and its sulfide derivative by soils and goethite. Geoderma. 140 (2007) 1–7.

  C. S. M. Masutti and A. R. Mermut. 2007. Degradation of fipronil under laboratory conditions in a tropical soil from sirinha´em pernambuco, Brazil. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B (2007) 42, 33–43

  G. García, A.R. Mermut and A. Faz. 2005. Preliminary Studies on Implications of Suburban Industrial Soil Contamination for Urban Ecology and Planning in Cartagena, SE Spain. A. Faz Cano, R. Ortiz Silla and A. R. Mermut (Editors), Sustainable Use and Management of Soils-Arid and Semiarid Regions-, Catena Verlag, Advances in Geoecology 36 ISBN 3-923381-49-2.

  J.A. Acosta, S. Martinez- Martinez, A. Faz Cano, J.M. Van Mourik, A.R. Mermut and J.M. Verstraten. 2005. Heavy Metal Distribution in Soils of Cartagena, SE Spain A. Faz Cano, R. Ortiz Silla and A. R. Mermut (Editors), Sustainable Use and Management of Soils-Arid and Semiarid Regions-, Catena Verlag, Advances in Geoecology 36  ISBN 3-923381-49-2).

  Y. Kavdir, H. Ekinci, O. Yüksel and A.R. Mermut. 2005. Soil aggregate stability and 13C CP/MAS-NMR assessment of organic matter in soils influenced by forest wildfires in Çanakkale, Turkey• Geoderma 129, Issues 3-4 :  219-229 .

  F. Er, M. Öğüt, F. D. Mikayilov, and A. R. Mermut. 2004 Important Factors Affecting Biosolid Nitrogen Mineralization in Soils Conmmu. Soil Sci. and Plant anal. 35:2327-2343.

  M.H. Salihi, H. Khademi, M.K. Eghbal, A. R. Mermut. 2004.Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Carbonates and Organic Carbon in Selected Soils from Charmahal Bakhtiari Province, Iran. Conmmu. Soil Sci. and Plant anal. 35: 1681


  F. Er, M. Ogut, F. D. Mikayilov, and A. R. Mermut.2004 Important Factors Affecting Biosolid Nitrogen Mineralization in Soils Conmmu. Soil Sci. and Plant anal. 35:2327-2343

  L. Oliveira, M. R. Ribeiro, F. B. Farraz, M. G. V. X. Ferreira, and A. R. Mermut., 2004 Mineralogia Micromorfologia e Genese de Solos Planosolicos do Sertao do Araripe Estado de Pernembuca. R. Bras. Ci. Solo, 28: 665-678.

  A. Landi, A. R. Mermut, D. W. Anderson. 2004. Carbon Dynamics in a Hummocky Landscape from Saskatchewan, SSSA J.68: 175-184.

  A. Landi, A. R. Mermut, and D. W. Anderson. 2003. Origin and Rate of Pedogenic Carbonate Accumulation in Saskatchewan Soils, Canada. Geoderma. 117:143-156.

  A. Landi, W. Anderson, and A. R. Mermut. 2003. Organic carbon storage and stable isotope composition of soils along a grassland to forest environmental gradient in Saskatchewan. Canadian J. Soil Sci. 83:405-414.

  A. F. Cano, A. R. Mermut, R. Ortiz, M. B. Benke, and B. Chatson.2002. 13C CP/MAS-NMR Spectra of organic matter as influenced by vegetation, climate, and soil characteristics in soils from Murcia, Spain. Canadian J. Soil Sci. 82: 403-411.

  M. Raza, J. J., S. S. Malhi, Schoenau, and A. R. Mermut, 2002. Influence of Boron fertilization on crop yield in some Saskatchewan soils. Canadian J. Soil Sci. 82:need to complete from the journal.

  M. Raza, A. R. Mermut, J. J. Schoenau, and S. S. Malhi. 2002. Boron fractionation in some Saskatchewan soils. Canadian J. Soil Sci. 82: 173-179.

  A. R. Mermut and G. Lagaly. 2001. Baseline studies of the Clay Minerals Society Source Clays: Layer charge determination and characteristics of those minerals containing 2:1 layers. Clays and Clay Min. 49: 393-397.

  A. R. Mermut and A. F. Cano. 2001. Baseline studies of the Clay Minerals Society Source Clays: Chemical analyses of major elements. Clays and Clay Min. 49: 381-386.

  A. R. Mermut, H. Eswaran 2001. Some major developments in Soil Science Since the mid-1960s. Geoderma 100:403-426.

  R. J. Heck and A. R. Mermut, and M.C. D. Santos 2000. Iron oxides in plinthic soils developed on sedimentary deposits in Northern Brazil. Revista Bresillera Sceicia de Solo (printed)

  H. Shariatmadari, A.R. Mermut and M. B. Benke 1999. Sorption of Selected catonic and Neutral Organic Molecules on Palygorskite and Sepiolite Clays and Clay Minerals 47:44-.53

  H. Shariatmadari, and A.R. Mermut. 1999. Magnesium and Silicon induced Phosphate Availablity in Smectite-Playgorskite-, and Sepiolite-Calcite Systems. Soil Science Society of America Journal 63: 1167-1173.

  M.B. Benke, A.R. Mermut and H. Shariatmadari . 1998. Retention of Dissolved Organic Carbon from Vinasse by a Tropical Soil, Kaolinite, and Fe-oxides. Geoderma 91: 47-63.

  H. Khademi and A.R. Mermut, 1999. Source of Palygorskite in Gypsiferous Aridisols and Associated Sediments from Central Iran. Clay  Minerals. 33:561-578.

  H. Khademi and A.R. Mermut, 1998. Submicroscopy and Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Carbonates and Associated Palygorskite in Selected Iranian Aridisols. European Journal of Soil Science 50:207-216.

  M.B. Benke, A.R. Mermut and B. Chatson, 1998. Carbon C-13 CP/MAS NMR and DR-FTIR Spectroscopic Studies of Sugarcane Distillery Waste. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 78:227-236.

  G. N. Dowouna, A. R. Mermut, S.G.K. Adiku, E. Narty, and I Tete-Mensah.1998. Improvemnts in the Quality of Soil under Agroforestry Practice in Ghana. G. Renard, A. Neef, K. Becker, M. von Oppen (eds.), p.252-258. Soil Fertility Management in West African Land Use Systems. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop University of Hohenheim, ICRISAT Sahelian Center and INRAN, 4-8 March 1997, Niamey Niger, Margraf Verlag, Germany.

  H. Khademi, A.R. Mermut, and H.R. Krouse 1997. Sulfur Isotope Geochemistry of Gypsiferous Aridisols from Central Iran. Geoderma 80:195-209.

  H. Khademi, A.R. Mermut and H.R. Krouse, 1997. Isotopic Composition of Gypsum Hydration Water in Selected Landforms from Central Iran. Chemical Geology, 138, 245-255.

  A.R. Mermut and H. Eswaran,1997. Opportunities for Soil Science in a Milieu of Reduced Funds. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 77, 1-7.

  A.R. Mermut, S.H. Luk, M.J.M. Römkens and J.W.A. Poesen, 1997. Soil Loss by Splash and Wash during Rainfall from Two Loess Soils. Geoderma, 75, 203-214.

  S. Kapur, M. Aydin, U. Dinç, A.R. Mermut and D. Kalmar, 1997. Similarities and Differences of the Spheroidal Microstructure in Vertisols from Turkey and Israel. Catena, 28, 297-311.

  E. Padmanabhan and A.R. Mermut, 1996. Submicroscopic Structure of Fe-coatings on Quartz Grains in Tropical Environments.  Clays and Clay Minerals, 44, 801-810.

  A.R. Mermut, J.C. Jain, R. Kerrich, L. Kozak and S. Jana, 1996. Trace Element Concentrations of Selected Soils and Fertilizers in Saskatchewan, Canada.  Journal of Environmental Quality, 25, 845-853.

  E. Padmanabhan and A.R. Mermut, 1995. The Problem of Expressing the Specific Surface Areas of Clay Fractions. Clays and Clay Minerals, 43, 237-245.

  D. Curtin, H. Steppuhn, A.R. Mermut, F. Selles, 1995. Sodicity in Irrigated Soils In Saskatchewan: Chemistry and Structural Stability.  Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 75, 177-185.

  M.J.M. Römkens, S.H. Luk, J.W.A. Poesen and A.R. Mermut, 1995. Rainfall Infiltration into Loess Soils from Different Geographic Regions. Catena Special Issue, 25, 21-32.

  A.R. Mermut, S.H. Luk, M.J.M. Römkens and J.W.A. Poesen, 1995. Micromorphological and Mineralogical Components of Surface Sealing in Loess Soils from Different Geographic Regions. Geoderma, 66, 71-84.

  W.E. Dubbin, A.R. Mermut and H.P.W. Rostad, 1993. Clay Mineralogy of Parent Materials from Uppermost Cretaceous and Tertiary Rocks in Southern Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 73, 447-457.

  H.D. Cho and A.R. Mermut, 1993. Evidence of Halloysite Formation from Weathering of Ferruginous Chlorite. Clays and Clay Minerals, 40, 608-619.

  G.N. Dowuona, A.R. Mermut and H.R. Krouse, 1993. Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Sulfate in Relation to Hydrology in Southern Saskatchewan, Canada. Applied Geochemistry, 8, 255-263.

  L.R.Q.P. da Luz, M.C.D. Santos and A.R. Mermut, 1992. Pedogenesis in a Toposequence of the Semiarid Region,  Pernambuco, Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Ciencia do Solo, 16, 95-102.

  G.N. Dowuona, A.R. Mermut and H.R. Krouse, 1992. Stable Isotopes of Salts in Some Soils of North America. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 56, 1646-1653.

  R.J. Heck and A.R. Mermut, 1992. Genesis of Natriborolls (Solonetzic) in a Closed Lake Basin in Saskatchewan, Canada. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 56, 842-848.

  H.D. Cho and A.R. Mermut, 1992. Pedogenesis of Two Forest Soils (Kandiustults) Derived from Metamorphosed Granite in Korea Soil Science Society of America Journal, 56, 517-525.

  A.R. Mermut, M.C. Grevers and E. de Jong, 1992. Evaluation of Pores Under Different Management Systems by Image Analysis in Clay Soils in Saskatchewan. In A.R. Mermut and L.D. Norton (eds.), Digitization, Processing, and Quantitative Interpretation of Image Analysis in Soil Science and Related Areas.  Geoderma Special Issue, 53, 357-372.

  D.K. Acquaye, G.N. Dowuona, A.R. Mermut and R.J. St. Arnaud, 1992. Micromorphology and Mineralogy of Cracking Soils from the Accra Plains of Ghana. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 56, 193-201.

  R.J. Heck and A.R. Mermut, 1992. The Chemistry of Saturation Extracts of Solonetzic and Associated Soils. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 72, 43-56.

  G.N. Dowuona, A.R. Mermut and H.R. Krouse, 1992. Isotope Composition of Salt Crusts in Saskatchewan, Canada.  Chemical Geology (Isotope Geoscience Section), 94, 205-213.

  M.C.D. Santos, A.R. Mermut and M.R. Ribeiro, 1991. Macro and Micromorphology of Low Activity Clay Soils from the Sertãu Region of Pernambuco State, Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Ciencia do Solo, 15, 83-91.

  G.N. Dowuona, A.R. Mermut and H.R. Krouse, 1991. Isotopic Composition of Hydration Water in Gypsum and Hydroxyl in Jarosite. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 56, 309-313.

  H. Tiessen, H.-K. Hauffe and A.R. Mermut, 1991. Deposition of Harmattan Dust and its Influence on Base Saturation of Soils in Northern Ghana.  Geoderma, 49, 285-299.

  H. Tiessen, E. Frossard, A.R. Mermut and A.L. Nyamekye, 1991. Phosphorus Sorption and Properties of Ferruginous Concretions from Semiarid Soils from Ghana and Brazil. Geoderma, 48, 373-389.

  S.H. Luk, W.E. Dubbin and A.R. Mermut, 1990. Fabric and Mineral Analysis of Surface Crust Development Under Simulated Rainfall on Loess in China. Catena, Supplement, 17, 29-40.

  M. Sayin, A.R. Mermut and H. Tiessen, 1990. Phosphate Sorption-Desorption Characteristics by Magnetically Separated Soil Fraction.  Soil Science Society of America Journal, 54, 1298-1304.

  S.K. Ghabru, R.J. St. Arnaud and A.R. Mermut, 1990. Association of DCB-Extractable Iron with Minerals in Coarse Soil Clays. Soil Science, 149, 112-120.

  S.K. Ghabru, A.R. Mermut and R.J. St. Arnaud, 1990. Isolation and Characterization of an Iron-rich Chlorite-like Mineral from Soil Clays. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 54, 281-287.

  M.C.D. Santos, A.R. Mermut and M.R. Riberio, 1989. Submicroscopy of Clay Microaggregates in an Oxisol in Pernambuco, Brazil. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 53, 1895-1901.

  E.N. Bui, and A.R. Mermut, 1989. Quantification of Soil Calcium Carbonates by Staining and Image Analysis. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 69, 677-682.

  E.N. Bui, A.R. Mermut and M.C.D. Santos, 1989. Microscopic and Ultra Microscopic Porosity of an Oxisol as Determined by Image Analysis and Water Retention. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 53, 661-665.

  S.K. Ghabru, A .R. Mermut and R.J. St. Arnaud, 1989. Characterization of Garnets in a Typic Cryoboralf (Gray Luvisol) from Saskatchewan.  Soil Science Society of America Journal, 53, 575-582.

  S.K. Ghabru, A.R. Mermut and R.J. St. Arnaud, 1989. Layer-charge and Cation-exchange Characteristics of Vermiculite (Weathered Biotite) Isolated from a Gray Luvisol. Clays and Clay Minerals, 37, 164-172.

  E.N. Bui and A.R. Mermut, 1989. Study of Orientation of Planar Voids in Vertisols and Soils with Vertic Properties. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 53, 171-178.

  S.K. Ghabru, R.J. St. Arnaud and A.R. Mermut, 1988. Use of High Gradient Magnetic Separation in Clay Mineral Studies. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 68, 645-655.

  M.A. Arshad and A.R. Mermut, 1988. Micromorphological and Physico-chemical Characteristics of Soil Crust Types in Northwestern Alberta, Canada. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 52, 724-729.

  G.S. Dasog, D.F. Acton, A.R. Mermut and E. de Jong, 1988. Shrink-swell Potential and Cracking in Clay Soil of Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 68, 251-260.

  G.S. Dasog, D.F. Acton and A.R. Mermut, 1987. Genesis and Classi- fication of Clayey Soils with Vertic Properties in Saskatchewan. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 51, 1243-1250.

  R. Protz, M.J. Shipitalo, A.R. Mermut and C.A. Fox, 1987. Image Analysis of Soils - Present and Future. Geoderma, 40, 115-125.

  S.K. Ghabru, A.R. Mermut and R.J. St. Arnaud, 1987. The Nature of Weathered Biotite in Sand-Sized Fractions of Gray Luvisols (Boralfs) in Saskatchewan, Canada. Geoderma, 40, 65-82.

  G.S. Dasog, A.R. Mermut and D.F. Acton, 1987. Micromorphology and Submicroscopy of Illuviated Mineral Particles in Boreal Clay Soils of Saskatchewan, Canada. Geoderma, 40, 193-208.

  S.K. Ghabru, R.J. St. Arnaud and A.R. Mermut, 1987. Liquid Magnetic Separation of Iron Bearing Minerals from Sand Fractions of Soils. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 67, 561-569.

  A.R. Mermut and M.A. Arshad, 1987. Significance of Sulfide Oxidation in Soil Salinization in Saskatchewan. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 51, 247-251.

  A.R. Mermut, K. Ghebre-Egziabhier and R.J. St. Arnaud, 1986. Quantitative Evaluation of Feldspar Weathering in Two Boralfs (Gray Luvisols) from Saskatchewan. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 50, 1073-1080.

  A.R. Mermut and G.S. Dasog, 1986. The Nature and Micromorphology of Carbonate Glaebules in Some Vertisols of India. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 50, 382-391.

  M.C.D. Santos, A.R. Mermut, D.W. Anderson and R.J. St. Arnaud, 1985. Micromorphology of Three Gray Luvisols in East-Central Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 65, 717-726.

  A.R. Mermut, 1985. Faunal Influence on Soil Microfabrics and Other Soil Properties. Quaestiones Entomologicae, 595-608.

  A.R. Mermut and D.F. Acton, 1985. Surficial Rearrangement and Cracking in Swelling Clay Soils of the Glacial Lake Regina Basin in Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 65, 317-327.

  D. Curtin and A.R. Mermut, 1985. Nature and Behaviour of Montmorillonite in an Acid Inland Marine Shale from East-Central Saskatchewan. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 49, 250-255.

  A.R. Mermut, D. Curtin and H.P.W. Rostad, 1985. Micromorphological and Submicroscopical Features Related to Pyrite Oxidation in an Inland Marine Shale from East-Central Saskatchewan. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 49, 256-261.

  A.R. Mermut, K. Ghebre-Egziabhier and R.J. St. Arnaud, 1984. The Nature of Smectites in Some Fine Textured Lacustrine Parent Materials in Southern Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 64, 481-494.

  A.R. Mermut, M.A. Arshad and R.J. St. Arnaud, 1984. Micropedological Study of Termite Mounds of Three Species of Macrotermes in Kenya. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 48, 613-620.

  A.R. Mermut and D.F. Acton, 1984. The Age of Some Holocene Soils on the Ear Lake Terraces in Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 64, 163-172.

  A.R. Mermut, 1983. Micromorphogenesis of Two Humults (Krasnozems) from Southeastern Black Sea, Turkey. Soil Science, 136, 178-189.

  A.R. Mermut and R. J. St. Arnaud, 1983. Micromorphology of Some Chernozemic Soils in Saskatchewan, Canada. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 47, 536-541.

  A.R. Mermut, D.F. Acton and W.D. Eilers, 1983. Cultivation Effect on Erosion-Sedimentation Processes in Grumic Clay Soils in Southwestern Saskatchewan.  Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 63, 727-739.

  A.R. Mermut, H.P.W. Rostad and R.J. St. Arnaud, 1983. Micromorphological Studies of Some Loessial Soils in Western Saskatchewan, Canada. In P. Bullock and C.P. Murphy (eds.), Soil Micromorphology, Vol. I, 309-315. AB Academic Publishers.

  A.R. Mermut and R.J. St. Arnaud, 1981. Microband Fabric in Seasonally Frozen Soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 45, 578-586.

  A.R. Mermut and R.J. St. Arnaud, 1981. A Study of Pedogenic Microcrystalline Carbonates Using Submicroscopic Techniques. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 61, 261-272.

  A.R. Mermut and R.J. St. Arnaud, 1981. A Micromorphological Study of Calcareous Horizons in Saskatchewan Soils. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 61, 243-260.

  A.R. Mermut and A. Jongerius, 1980. Micromorphological Analysis of the Regrouping Phenomena in Some Turkish Soils. Geoderma, 14, 159-175.

  A.R. Mermut, S. Kapur and C. Cangir, 1979. Airborne Dust in Ankara, Its Origin and Characteristics. Journal of Mineral Research and Exploration Institute, Ankara, 91, 109-116.

  S. Kapur and A.R. Mermut, 1978. Clay Mineralogy of Flysch Deposits and Its Effect on the Collapse of the T-2 Derivation Tunnel of the Aslantas Dam, Adana, Turkey.  Engineering Geology, 5, 43-48.

  A.R. Mermut and T. Pape, 1973. Micromorphology of "In Situ" Formed Clay Cutans in Soils. Leitz Scientific and Technical Information, West Germany, 2, No. 5, 147-150.

  A.R. Mermut and T. Pape, 1971. Micromorphology of Two Soils from Turkey with Special Reference to "In Situ" Formation of Clay Cutans. Geoderma, 5, 271-281.