李哲斐,博士,教授,博士生导师。1998年7月本科毕业于西北大学。2013年博士毕业于摩洛哥vs克罗地亚实时比分 。2005年7月来摩洛哥vs克罗地亚实时比分 生命科学学院从事教学与科研工作。2015年6月至2016年6月在美国Clemson University以访问学者进行交流合作。
1. 根际微生物对植物土传病害的防治及作用机制;
2. 根际微生物群落对作物连作障碍的缓解;
3. 微生物菌群对中草药品质的提升。
1. 土传病原菌共侵染对黄芪抗根腐病能力的影响及其微生物学机制(国家自然科学基金),2023-2026。
2. 玉米根际微生物群落装配机制及土壤地力提升技术研究(国家基金联合基金项目子课题),2022-2025。
3. 微生物土修复剂研发及在退化土壤改良中的应用(国家重点研发计划子课题),2021-2025。
4. 苜蓿中华根瘤菌及其共生体系对铜污染土壤修复的促进作用机理和生态响应(国家自然科学基金),2013-2016。
5. 苜蓿中华根瘤及其共生固氮体系对铜污染土壤的生物修复作用机制(国家自然科学青年基金),2010-2012。
6. 多功能微生物菌肥的研发与推广示范(国家重点研发计划子课题),2018-2021。
7. 果园土壤修复改良地力提升技术研究与应用(陕西省重大科技专项子课题),2020-2025。
8. 苜蓿中华根瘤菌IV型分泌系统在共生中的作用研究(陕西省自然科学基金),2018-2019。
1. Li Y, Jin J, Li P, Wang Q, Xu L, Wei G, Li Z*.(2023)Regional variations and plant compartments shape the community structures of the endophytic microbiome and secondary metabolites of Astragalus mongholicus . Industrial Crops and Products, 192(24):116037.
2. Lin Y, Zhang H, Li P, Jin J, Li Z*.(2022)The bacterial consortia promote plant growth and secondary metabolite accumulation in Astragalus mongholicus under drought stress. BMC Plant Biology, 22(1):475.
3. Li Z*†, Bai X†, Jiao S, Li Y, Li P, Yang Y, Zhang H, Wei G*.(2021)A simplified synthetic community rescues Astragalus mongholicus from root rot disease by activating plant-induced systemic resistance. Microbiome, 9:217.
4. Li S, Chen W, Li Z, Bu L, Jin Z, Wei G*, Li Z*.(2021) Fertile islands lead to more conspicuous spatial heterogeneity of bacteria than soil physicochemical properties in a desert ecosystem. Catena, 206:105526.
5. Li Y, Liu Y, Zhang H, Yang Y, Wei G*, Li Z*.(2021)The composition of root-associated bacteria and fungi of Astragalus mongholicus and their relationship with the bioactive ingredients. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12:642730.
6. Li Y, Yang Y, Wu T, Zhang H, Wei G*, Li Z*.(2021)Rhizosphere bacterial and fungal spatial distribution and network pattern of Astragalus mongholicus in representative planting sites differ the bulk soil. Applied Soil Ecology, 168:104114.
7. Wang J, Li R, Zhang H, Wei G, Li Z*.(2020)Beneficial bacteria activate nutrients and promote wheat growth under conditions of reduced fertilizer application. BMC Microbiology, 20:38.
8. Jian L, Bai X, Zhang H, Song X, Li Z*.(2019)Promotion of growth and metal accumulation of alfalfa by coinoculation with Sinorhizobium and Agrobacterium under copper and zinc stress. PeerJ, 7:e6875.
9. Liu X, Luo Y, Li Z*, Wei G*.(2018)Functional analysis of a putative type III secretion system in stress sdaption by Mesorhizobium alhagi CCNWXJ12-2T. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9:263.
10. Li Z, Song X, Wang J, Bai X, Gao E, Wei G.(2018)Nickel and cobalt resistance properties of Sinorhizobium meliloti isolated from Medicago lupulina growing in gold mine tailing. PeerJ, 6:e5202.
11. Li Z#, Ma Z#, Hao X, Rensing C, Wei G.(2014)Genes conferring copper resistance in Sinorhizobium meliloti CCNWSX0020 also promote the growth of Medicago lupulina in copper-contaminated soil. Applied And Environmental Microbiology,(6):1961-1971.
12. Li Z, Lu M, Wei G.(2013)An omp gene enhances cell tolerance of Cu(II)in Sinorhizobium meliloti CCNWSX0020. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 29(9): 1655-1660.
13. Li Z, Ma Z, Hao X, Wei G.(2012)Draft genome sequence of Sinorhizobium meliloti CCNWSX0020, a nitrogen-fixing symbiont with copper tolerance capability isolated from Lead-Zinc mine tailings. Journal of Bacteriology, 194(5):1267-1268.
14. Li Z, Jian L, Wang H, Cui Y.(2007)Flow injection chemiluminescent determination of clenbuterol using GoldMag particles as carrier. Food Additives and Contaminants, 24:21-25.
通讯地址:摩洛哥vs克罗地亚实时比分 生命科学学院,陕西杨凌,712100