
作者: 来源: 发布日期:2020-06-24 浏览次数:




联系地址:陕西杨凌摩洛哥vs克罗地亚实时比分 生命科学学院




刘夏燕,女,汉族,1983年6月出生,教授,博士生导师。2005年毕业于复旦大学并获得理学学士学位(生物科学专业)。2010年毕业于美国爱荷华州立大学(Iowa State University)并获得遗传学博士学位。2005年本科毕业于复旦大学,获理学学士学位,2010年博士毕业于美国爱荷华州立大学,2016-2017年在美国哈佛大学医学院作访问学者。2010年6月回国参加摩洛哥vs克罗地亚实时比分 生命科学学院工作。2020年入选陕西省普通高校杰出青年人才,2021年获得陕西省杰出青年基金。









1. Wang X, Qi Y, Liu N, Zhang Q, Xie S, Lei Y, Li B, Shao J, Yu F*, Liu X* (2023) Interaction of PALE CRESS with PAP2/pTAC2 and PAP3/pTAC10 affects the accumulation of plastid-encoded RNA polymerase complexes in Arabidopsis.  New Phytologist  doi: 10.1111/nph.19243 (*: 共同通讯)

2. Lei P, Yu F, Liu X* (2023) Recent advances in cellular degradation and nuclear control of leaf senescence.  Journal of Experimental Botany  doi: 10.1093/jxb/erad273 (*: 通讯作者)

3. Liu X, Yu F* (2023) New insights into the functions and regulations of MAP215/MOR1 and katanin, two conserved microtubule-associated proteins in Arabidopsis.  Plant   S  ignaling &  B  ehavior  18, 2171360.

4. Liu H, Cao Y, Zhang W, Liu Z, Li Y, Chen Y, Zhang H, Yu F, Liu X* (2022) The wheat TaIQD3D-6 gene encodes a microtubule-associated protein and regulates cell morphogenesis in Arabidopsis.  Plant Science 324, 111420 (*: 通讯作者)

5. Xue H, Meng J, Lei P, Cao Y, An X, Jia M, Li Y, Liu H, Sheen J, Liu X, Yu F (2022) ARF2-PIF5 interaction controls transcriptional reprogramming in the ABS3-mediated plant senescence pathway.  EMBO Journal  doi: 10.15252/embj.2022110988

6. Chen Y#, Liu X#, Zhang W, Li J, Liu H, Yang L, Lei P, Zhang H, Yu F* (2022) MOR1/MAP215 acts synergistically with katanin to control cell division and anisotropic cell elongation in Arabidopsis.  Plant Cell  4, 3006-3027 . (#: 共同一作)

7. Li Y, Huang Y, Wen Y, Wang D, Liu H, Li Y, Zhao J, An L, Yu F, Liu X* (2021) The domain of unknown function 4005 (DUF4005) in an Arabidopsis IQD protein functions in microtubule binding.  Journal of Biological Chemistry  297, 100849. (*: 通讯作者)

8. Li Y, Deng M, Liu H, Li Y, Chen Y, Jia M, Xue H, Shao J, Zhao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F*, Liu X* (2020) ABNORMAL SHOOT 6 interacts with KATANIN 1 and SHADE AVOIDANCE 4 to promote cortical microtubule severing and ordering in Arabidopsis.  Journal of Integrative Plant Biology  63,646-661 (*: 通讯作者)

9. Shao J, Meng J, Wang F, Shou B, Chen Y, Xue H, Zhao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F, Liu X* (2020) NGATHA-LIKEs control leaf margin development by repressing  CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON2  transcription.  Plant Physiology  184, 345-358 (*: 通讯作者)

10. Qi Y, Wang X, Lei P, Li H, Yan L, Zhao J, Meng J, Shao J, An L, Yu F, Liu X* (2020) The chloroplast metalloproteases VAR2 and EGY1 act synergistically to regulate chloroplast development in Arabidopsis.  Journal of Biological Chemistry  295, 1036-1046 (*: 通讯作者)

11. Jia M#, Liu X#, Xue H, Wu Y, Shi L, Wang R, Chen Y, Xu N, Zhao J, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Sheen J, Yu F. (2019) Noncanonical ATG8-ABS3 interaction controls senescence in plants.  Nature Plants  5, 212-224. (#: 共同一作)

12. Zheng M#, Liu X#, Liang S, Fu S, Qi Y, Zhao J, Shao J, An L, Yu F. (2016) Chloroplast translation initiation factors regulate leaf variegation and development.  Plant Physiology  172, 1117-1130. (#: 共同一作)

13. Qi Y#, Liu X#, Liang S, Wang R, Li Y, Zhao J, Shao J, An L, Yu F. (2016) A putative chloroplast thylakoid metalloprotease VIRESCENT3 regulates chloroplast development in  Arabidopsis thaliana .  Journal of Biological Chemistry  291, 3319-3332 (#: 共同一作)

14. Wang R#, Liu X#, Liang S, Ge Q, Li Y, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F. (2015) A subgroup of  MATE  transporter genes regulates hypocotyl cell elongation in  Arabidopsis .  Journal of Experimental Botany  66, 6327-6343. (#: 共同一作)

15. An R#, Liu X#, Wang R, Wu H, Liang S, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F. (2014) The over-expression of two transcription factors, ABS5/bHLH30 and ABS7/MYB101, leads to upwardly curly leaves.  PLoS One  9, e107637. (#: 共同一作)

16. Liu X, Zheng M, Wang R, Wang R, An L, Rodermel SR, Yu F. (2013) Genetic interactions reveal that specific defects of chloroplast translation are associated with the suppression of  var2 -mediated leaf variegation.  Journal of Integrative Plant Biology  55, 979-993.

17. Shao J#, Liu X#, Wang R, Zhang G, Yu F. (2012) The over-expression of an Arabidopsis B3 transcription factor, ABS2/NGAL1, leads to the loss of flower petals.  PLoS One  7, e49861. (#: 共同一作)

18. Wang M#, Liu X#, Wang R, Li W, Rodermel S, Yu F. (2012) Overexpression of a putative Arabidopsis BAHD acyltransferase causes dwarfism that can be rescued by brassinosteroid.  Journal of Experimental Botany  63, 5787-5801. (#: 共同一作)

19. Yu F, Park S, Liu X, Foudree A, Fu A, Powikrowska M, Khrouchtchova A, Jensen PE, Kriger JN, Gray GR, Rodermel SR. (2011)  SUPPRESSOR OF VARIEGATION4 , a new  var2  suppressor locus, encodes a pioneer protein that is required for chloroplast biogenesis.  Molecular Plant 4, 229-240.

20. Liu X, Rodermel SR, Yu F. (2010) A  var2  leaf variegation suppressor locus,  SUPPRESSOR OF VARIEGATION3 , encodes a putative chloroplast translation elongation factor that is important for chloroplast development in the cold.  BMC Plant Biology  10, 287.

21. Liu X#, Yu F#, Rodermel S. (2010) An Arabidopsis pentatricopeptide repeat protein, SUPPRESSOR OF VARIEGATION7, is required for FtsH-mediated chloroplast biogenesis.  Plant Physiology  154, 1588-1601. (#: 共同一作)

22. Liu X, Yu F, Rodermel S. (2010) Arabidopsis chloroplast FtsH,  var2  and suppressors of  var2  leaf variegation: a review.  Journal of Integrative Plant Biology  52, 750-761.

23. Yu F, Liu X, Alsheikh M, Park S, Rodermel S. (2008) Mutations in SUPPRESSOR OF VARIEGATION1, a factor required for normal chloroplast translation, suppress  var2 -mediated leaf variegation in Arabidopsis.  Plant Cell  20, 1786-1804.